Let's Get Started
Nothing on this site is financial advice.
SoftPaws currently offers validation and enpoint services on the Echelon network. I'm looking to expand my services. Please message me if you have an opportunity. SoftPaws is currently a one man show run by me KittyxxSoftPaws. I also am an active voter on Kassandra DAO. You can delegate your KACY to me (or other KACY holders) if you do not wish to vote on your own. I run a Twitter account where I provide ambassador services for the Echelon network (paid) and Kassandra DAO. You can find any blog posts I create on medium.
I am very active in the projects I am involved in. I am dedicated to growing these projects and am involved because I believe in them. I aim to provide whatever assistance I can to these projects and to help others learn about them. Feel free to reach out to me on keybase, or find me on discord by my username kittyxxSoftpaws#1708 at my server.
Need help? Message me by my username kittyxxSoftpaws#1708 at my server.